
Top 7 tremendous health benefits of Corn Flour you may never know.

corn flour

Top 7 tremendous health benefits of Corn Flour you may never know.

Corn flour is a type of starch that is generated from corn grain. The other common names given to corn flour are corn starch, maize starch, and cornflour. It is gluten-free, which makes it the best alternative for wheat flour; moreover, it is much healthier and tastier as compared to other variants of flour. It is used to enhance the appearance and texture of many foods items.

What is the difference between corn flour and corn starch?

While both cornstarch and cornflour are made from corn, their appearances, textures, and uses are very different.  Cornstarch is white and can feel like a. Chalky mixture. It is usually used as a thickener for mixtures. Cornstarch is made from the endosperm of the corn kernel (maize) instead of cornflour, which comes from whole grains.  The endosperm’s starches are extracted, rinsed, dried, and ground into a fine powder (a.k.a. cornstarch). Other maize 

products, such as corn oil and corn bran, are made from the hull and germ of the kernel. However, in many parts of the world, both corn flour and corn starch are considered the same because they do not differ much from each other.

How is it made?

Corn flour is made by grinding dried corn kernels (maize grains) The first step is to remove the rigid outer hull and nutritious germ from whole corn kernels; then, a metal roller grates the grains into a thin fine powder. According to Wikipedia, The corn is steeped for 30 to 48 hours, which ferments it slightly. The germ is separated from the endosperm, and those two components are ground separately (still soaked). Next, the starch is removed from each by washing. The starch is separated from the steep corn liquor, the cereal germ, the fibers, and the corn gluten mostly in hydro cyclones and centrifuges, then dried. (The residue from every stage is used in animal feed and to make corn oil or other applications.) This process is called wet milling. Finally, the starch may be modified for specific purposes.

Do you know that If the corn grains are soaked in water or limewater before grinding, the flour is referred to as Masa Harina?

Another everyday use of cornflour is in chess pie. A chess pie is a one-crust pie filled with custard made of sugar, butter, eggs, and cornflour or cornmeal.

Why should you prefer cornflour over any other type of flour?

Corn flour is rich in numerous nutrients, including vitamins and minerals and health benefits.
Some of the benefits of cornflour are:-

1.Rich in vitamins and minerals:-

Corn flour is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It can Furnish you with a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals. Corn flour is enhanced with vitamin A, vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. If you are using masa, the nutritional profile will be very different. You will get considerably more B vitamins, including more than three times the thiamin and riboflavin and more than two times the niacin. Corn flour is filled be innumerable minerals too. Minerals like zinc, calcium, and magnesium are present in abundant quantities in corn flour.
It also has iron and selenium in excellent quantity, suitable for bodybuilding, tissue formation, and a healthy heart.

2. Prevents heart-related diseases

Corn flour is high in fiber which helps in lowering your blood cholesterol. Fiber helps reduce LDP (low-density proteins), also known as bad cholesterol.
LDP is responsible for making up cholesterol in your body, resulting in various heart diseases. Adding cornflour to your food can help reduce the quantity of LDP, further preventing you from any heart-related disease.

3. Give energy to your body

The presence of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin in cornflour aids in the body’s energy metabolism reaction mechanism, which results in enough energy supply to the body.

4. Good for your bones and teeth

Cornflour contains vital minerals like magnesium and potassium, which help to enhance bone mineral density. To put it another way, potassium aids in conserving calcium in the body, minimizing urine calcium loss. Magnesium is most well-known in the human body to build bones, particularly connective tissues (cartilage) and teeth. These vital minerals complement one another to improve total bone health.

5. Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Corn flour is low in sodium content, so it also helps fight against cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, artery diseases, and many other heart-related diseases.

6. A Gluten-free diet

Corn flour is a gluten-free flour that helps in weight loss and promotes a healthy lifestyle, and this is one of the main reasons why corn flour is often considered the best alternative to wheat flour.

7. Rich in antioxidants

Corn flour is rich in antioxidants that keep your body healthy from any disease. It contains polyphenols, an antioxidant that aids in the battle against free radical damage caused by processed meals. Our corn starch is made from the finest corns collected from the fields and then processed without much adulteration. Furthermore, it is 100 % Organic and Natural and rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Our corn flour helps healthy digestion, is an excellent source of antioxidants, and is gluten-free.