
Top 7 tremendous health benefits of Corn Flour you may never know.

corn flour

Top 7 tremendous health benefits of Corn Flour you may never know.

Corn flour is a type of starch that is generated from corn grain. The other common names given to corn flour are corn starch, maize starch, and cornflour. It is gluten-free, which makes it the best alternative for wheat flour; moreover, it is much healthier and tastier as compared to other variants of flour. It is used to enhance the appearance and texture of many foods items.

What is the difference between corn flour and corn starch?

While both cornstarch and cornflour are made from corn, their appearances, textures, and uses are very different.  Cornstarch is white and can feel like a. Chalky mixture. It is usually used as a thickener for mixtures. Cornstarch is made from the endosperm of the corn kernel (maize) instead of cornflour, which comes from whole grains.  The endosperm’s starches are extracted, rinsed, dried, and ground into a fine powder (a.k.a. cornstarch). Other maize 

products, such as corn oil and corn bran, are made from the hull and germ of the kernel. However, in many parts of the world, both corn flour and corn starch are considered the same because they do not differ much from each other.

How is it made?

Corn flour is made by grinding dried corn kernels (maize grains) The first step is to remove the rigid outer hull and nutritious germ from whole corn kernels; then, a metal roller grates the grains into a thin fine powder. According to Wikipedia, The corn is steeped for 30 to 48 hours, which ferments it slightly. The germ is separated from the endosperm, and those two components are ground separately (still soaked). Next, the starch is removed from each by washing. The starch is separated from the steep corn liquor, the cereal germ, the fibers, and the corn gluten mostly in hydro cyclones and centrifuges, then dried. (The residue from every stage is used in animal feed and to make corn oil or other applications.) This process is called wet milling. Finally, the starch may be modified for specific purposes.

Do you know that If the corn grains are soaked in water or limewater before grinding, the flour is referred to as Masa Harina?

Another everyday use of cornflour is in chess pie. A chess pie is a one-crust pie filled with custard made of sugar, butter, eggs, and cornflour or cornmeal.

Why should you prefer cornflour over any other type of flour?

Corn flour is rich in numerous nutrients, including vitamins and minerals and health benefits.
Some of the benefits of cornflour are:-

1.Rich in vitamins and minerals:-

Corn flour is a good source of vitamins and minerals. It can Furnish you with a considerable amount of vitamins and minerals. Corn flour is enhanced with vitamin A, vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin. If you are using masa, the nutritional profile will be very different. You will get considerably more B vitamins, including more than three times the thiamin and riboflavin and more than two times the niacin. Corn flour is filled be innumerable minerals too. Minerals like zinc, calcium, and magnesium are present in abundant quantities in corn flour.
It also has iron and selenium in excellent quantity, suitable for bodybuilding, tissue formation, and a healthy heart.

2. Prevents heart-related diseases

Corn flour is high in fiber which helps in lowering your blood cholesterol. Fiber helps reduce LDP (low-density proteins), also known as bad cholesterol.
LDP is responsible for making up cholesterol in your body, resulting in various heart diseases. Adding cornflour to your food can help reduce the quantity of LDP, further preventing you from any heart-related disease.

3. Give energy to your body

The presence of vitamins such as thiamin, riboflavin, and niacin in cornflour aids in the body’s energy metabolism reaction mechanism, which results in enough energy supply to the body.

4. Good for your bones and teeth

Cornflour contains vital minerals like magnesium and potassium, which help to enhance bone mineral density. To put it another way, potassium aids in conserving calcium in the body, minimizing urine calcium loss. Magnesium is most well-known in the human body to build bones, particularly connective tissues (cartilage) and teeth. These vital minerals complement one another to improve total bone health.

5. Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Corn flour is low in sodium content, so it also helps fight against cardiovascular diseases such as heart attacks, artery diseases, and many other heart-related diseases.

6. A Gluten-free diet

Corn flour is a gluten-free flour that helps in weight loss and promotes a healthy lifestyle, and this is one of the main reasons why corn flour is often considered the best alternative to wheat flour.

7. Rich in antioxidants

Corn flour is rich in antioxidants that keep your body healthy from any disease. It contains polyphenols, an antioxidant that aids in the battle against free radical damage caused by processed meals. Our corn starch is made from the finest corns collected from the fields and then processed without much adulteration. Furthermore, it is 100 % Organic and Natural and rich in fiber and carbohydrates. Our corn flour helps healthy digestion, is an excellent source of antioxidants, and is gluten-free.

ICE TEACategoriesBlog

Top 7 health benefits of drinking Ice tea.

Top 7 health benefits of drinking Ice tea.

Iced tea, as the name suggests, is the name given to the cold variant of tea. Tho many people like their tea as hot and steamy many prefer to enjoy it as cold. Iced tea is famous for its refreshing taste and exhilarating qualities. I bet there are many chai lovers out there who can’t live without chai for even a single day. But when the days are hot and fuzzy, we sometimes need to quirk it and add a refreshing essence to our monotonous life. Iced tea do that thing with you but without compromising your health.

Iced tea helps brighten your day, but there are numerous other health benefits in addition to this. A glass of iced tea a day will help your body retain all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need. You can make iced tea with any tea like black or green. Also, you can add milk or sugar, or any other artificial flavoring according to your preferences.

History of iced tea

Most great things happen by accident. It is true indeed because the invention of iced tea is an example of it. It is not 

confirmedyet,butAccording tolegend, at the 1904 Globe’s Fair in St. Louis, an American trader named Richard 

Belchynden accidentally brought iced tea to the world.Because the day of the world fair was scorching hot, people were 

less interested in the hot tea he was selling and more interested in refreshing drinks to satisfy their thirst. Blechynden stared in sadness at the empty pavilion but later came up with a new idea. He filled all the cups at his counter with ice and poured hot brewed tea over them. The tea, not surprisingly, was a huge hit.  All the people loved that tea a lot, and from that day, iced tea gained its popularity worldwide.

Benefits of iced tea:-

1. Strengthen your teeth

Do you know that a mineral called fluoride helps repair tooth enamel, which is why it’s one of the most common ingredients in toothpaste? Fluoride is generally found in green and black tea and can help strengthen your teeth and prevent them from the cavity. Moreover, drinking iced tea can also help in preventing other Gum diseases.

2. Cure bad breath

Mint is often considered to fight against bad breath, and just adding a few leaves of mint to your iced tea can do that miracle for you. If you are traumatized by people constantly taunting you for your lousy mouth smell, it’s time for you to change your regular tea to iced tea and see all the miracles happen.

3. Prevents summer sickness

Another advantage of iced tea is that it stimulates your immune system, which helps to prevent summer sickness. This mild herbal tea is not only a great sleep aid, but it also contains antibacterial characteristics that can help keep your body healthy On a hot summer evening.

4. Helps you get out of the slump

If you are ever feeling low or not in the mood to do anything, you can try a cup of iced tea. Iced tea will surely help you in refreshing your mood and will help you in brightening your day

5. Helps in burning calories.

Unsweetened iced tea can help you a lot in burning calories. Many people believe that iced tea results in gaining weight, but that’s not true. A cold frizzing glass of Iced tea forces your body to use energy to increase the temperature to body temperature which results in the burning of more calories.

6. Helps in staying hydrated

We are often advised to stay hydrated not only in summers but in winters too. Do you know why?
It is because water acts as a boon to your health. It not only make your skin glow but also helps in better digestion and keep health problems at bay. Humans are advised to drink at least 8-liter water in a day but let’s be realistic and accept that we cant drink 8 liters of water in a day, so what’s the other alternative?

Iced tea is water and contains many more antioxidants than water, so it is the best option to stay hydrated. It is also good in taste, and you can drink as much as you want with or without sugar as you prefer.

7. Rich in antioxidants

Another reason to try iced tea is that it is vibrant in antioxidants that help fight against many diseases and keep your immune system safe. How to make iced tea?

Making iced tea is no big deal; it’s just a work of one hand. You only have to make your regular cup of tea but add a little twist to it.
Here is how you can do it:-

  1. Take a pan and boil some water in it.
  2. Add some iced tea to it and let it boil for 5 to 10 mins.
  3. You can add sugar, milk, or other flavors to it if you want.
  4. Turn off the gas and let it be cool for 10 to 15 minutes.
  5. Serve it in a long glass and add some ice cubes. You can also garnish it with fresh mint leaves.

And your iced tea is ready! Enjoy it with your family and friends.

Why our iced tea?

Our iced tea comes in different flavors; you Can enjoy any you want according to your choice and taste. Our every product is made by the local artisans and housewives of the hilly areas of Uttarakhand. When the times were hard, and people worldwide were struggling for a livelihood, all these women came forward and proved that they were no less than men when it came to supporting and earning their house. We ensure to bring the best for you without compromising your health. All our products are 100% organic and any other preservative-free.
Try our iced tea collection today, and let us know what you think of iced tea.

By Smriti Nautiyal

red riceCategoriesBlog

Top 8 tremendous health benefits of Red rice

Top 8 tremendous health benefits of Red rice

Rice, a staple food of more than 3 million people worldwide. It is one of the most consumed cereals all over the world. Do you know that India ranks second in the top rice-producing countries around the globe?
It is also among the largest rice-consuming countries all around the world. More than 6000 different variants of rice are cultivated in India. One of the most famous variants of rice is rice is red rice. All of you must have seen white rice or must have heard about brown rice. But isn’t the very idea of red rice sound strange to you? Red rice gained popularity worldwide due to its red color. The red color of red rice is due to a pigment called anthocyanin. Red rice is much healthier and nutritious than your regular white rice. It has soluble and insoluble fiber contents, high antioxidants. Red rice has an increased amount of nutrition like zinc, magnesium, iron, and calcium than any other rice variant.

We researched and found some astonishing facts and benefits about red rice that you all must be aware of.
Here we have listed the best ones for you:-

Benefits of Red rice:-

red rice

1.Prevents diabetes

Diabetes can damage the eyes, kidneys and induce coronary heart disease if blood sugar levels are not regulated. Red rice’s low glycemic index keeps blood sugar levels in check, making it a good choice for people with diabetes.

2.Prevents asthma

Red rice has high magnesium content, which helps regulate your breathing habit. So eating red rice can also increase oxygen circulation hence proving to aid asthma.

3. Lower cholesterol levels

Monacolin K is an active component found in red rice. This aids in the management of excessive cholesterol levels. 

4.Prevents cardiovascular diseases

As we know that red rice contains whole grains, which can help lower harmful cholesterol levels in the body, lowering the risk of heart diseases.

5.Improves your skin health

Red rice is not only good for your health but also good for your skin. Anthocyanin, a water-soluble pigment present in red rice, is high in minerals like zinc and iron, which helps your skin glow by keeping it healthy and nourishing. It also has potent antioxidant qualities that can help to prevent premature aging and UV-induced skin damage.

6.A good source of vitamin B6

Do you know that only one plate of red rice provides 23 percent of the vitamin B6 essential for the organ’s proper functioning?  This vitamin is necessary for the development of serotonin, as well as the creation of DNA cells by red blood cells.

7.It lowers the risk of obesity

Red rice will help you decrease the desire to eat and may cause you to feel fuller for a long time. Moreover, red rice provides energy to your body and aids digestion. Red rice is entirely fat-free. Most likely, you know that high-fat consumption boosts the chance of obesity. It’s been shown that individuals who eat red rice daily have a reduced chance of obesity. In case you are attempting to drop a few unwanted pounds, eating red rice could make the method simpler

8.It helps to keep your weight in control

Red rice can help you curb your appetite and make you feel filled for more extended periods. Furthermore, red rice gives your body energy and aids digestion. Red rice is a fat-free food. You’re probably aware that eating a lot of fat increases your chances of becoming obese. It has been proven that those who consume red rice daily have a lower risk of becoming obese. So If you’re trying to lose weight or control your weight, red rice might help.

How to make red rice?

Red rice is no challenging task to do. It is easy to make, just like ordinary white or brown rice.
Here is how you can make it:-

Step 1:- Bring water to a boil and start boiling the water.

Step 2:- take Onion and Red Peppers in a bowl.

Take oil in another pan And when the pan is heated enough, increase the heat and add the onion and red pepper. Stir fry till the vegetables are cooked and slightly browned.

Step 3:- Reduce the heat to low and add the rice, along with the boiling water. Reduce the heat to low, add the rice, and stir thoroughly after about 6 minutes. Then pour the boiling water over the rice and stir once mo—season with salt and pepper to taste.

Step 4:- Allow The Red Rice To Cook After Closing The Lid. Cover the pan with the lid and let it cook after it reaches the simmering point just before it starts boiling.

Step 5:- Remove the rice from the heat and set it aside for 15 minutes.

Step 6:- Your Red Rice is now ready to eat. Garnish with watercress and spring onions. Serve immediately!

Our red rice is long, slender, with dark red pigment. It has much more nutritional value as compared to another variant of rice. Our red rice can Lower High Cholesterol, Helps in Preventing Heart Disease, Can Lower Blood Glucose. It also helps in fighting asthma and benefits bone health.

By Smriti Nautiyal

Black TeaCategoriesBlog

Top 11 Health Benefits Of Consuming Cocoa

Top 11 Health Benefits Of Consuming Cocoa

Cocoa beans or cocoa is also known as cacao beans or cacao and is specially used in making chocolates and other chocolate products.
It is derived from the seeds of the cacao tree, also known as theobroma cacao. The name of the theobroma tree has been derived from the Greek words θεός (theos), which means “god,” and βρῶμα (broma), meaning “food.” which means”food of the gods.”

Cocoa was first cultivated in ancient South America, but now it has gained so much popularity all around the world that it is enjoyed with almost every single dessert. Cocoa serves a significant role in the chocolate industry. Cocoa beans are not just used in making chocolates but also many other things. It is used in making biscuits, candies, milk products as a coating on the top of cookies, cakes, and a lot more. Not only children but grown-ups enjoy chocolate a lot. One of the main characteristics of chocolate is that it can be enjoyed in its raw form and also with mixing with other food items too.

Cocoa beans are pretty bitter, but many people enjoy their raw form. But cocoa beans, when converted to cocoa powder, are mixed with many other alternatives like sugar to make them even tastier. Not just taste but cocoa is also enriched with an innumerable amount of benefits too.
Some of them are:-

1. Packed with numerous nutrients

There are numerous nutrients present in cocoa like Iron, Protein, zinc, magnesium, and fiber.

2. Stronger Immune System

Minerals like zinc and iron present in cocoa help give your immune system a boost and allow your body to function in a much better way.

3. Might prevent cancer

There are flavonols present in cocoa beans that act as antioxidants and help reduce the damage to cells. As we all know that cancer can develop from damaged cells, so indirectly, consumption of cocoa beans in any form might help in reducing the risk of cancer.

4. Limits the side effects of radiotherapy

Do you know that there are about 800,000 new cancers cases in India every year?
Only a cancer patient knows how hard it must be to go through all the changes during this period. In such a situation, cocoa helps lift their mood in the form of chocolate, but also, the selenium found in cocoa helps limit the side effect of radiotherapy.

5.Helps in healing your wounds much faster.

This is an uncommon use of cocoa, but it is true.
Dark Chocolate that is chocolate made with almost 90% cocoa is rich in zinc and other antioxidants and helps in maintaining normal blood pressure levels. Zinc helps heal wounds, while the maintained blood pressure level ensures the flow of oxygen and other minerals to the healing area.

6. Reduce Inflammation

Theobromine, a vicious, erratic compound obtained from cacao seeds, is present in cacao that helps in reducing inflammation.

7. Weight Loss and Control

Many people often avoid chocolate due to its weight-gaining nature but do you know that cocoa powder may help you in reducing and controlling weight? Cocoa helps in fat burning but also increases your body’s metabolism. The only thing you have to keep in mind is to consume good quality cocoa without any added sugar in it.

8. Acts as a natural antidepressant

Anandamide, a mood-boosting chemical present in cocoa, helps lift your mood and makes you feel ecstatic. Researchers have also found that cocoa also helps increase your dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins levels which makes you happier. So the next time you are feeling anxious or sad, you already know what you have to do, right?

9. Good for your skin

Polyphenols present in cocoa have been found to protect your skin from oxidation, will make it look youthful, and will also keep your skin looking glowing and give it an anti-aging look.
You can consume cocoa daily for happy and healthy skin or use a cocoa moisturizer or skin cream. You can also make your body moisturizer at home with the help of cocoa. You only need some ingredients and then mix them. Here is how:-
Take some Coconut oil and cocoa butter and blend them. Then add some essential oils according to you, and dan! Your homemade cocoa moisturizer is ready.
Please do not forget to do a patch test before applying it to your skin.

10. Better Muscle and Nerve Function

Zinc and Magnesium help in better regulation of the muscles present in our body. These minerals are present in abundant quantities in cocoa, which helps in keeping your muscles stronger and healthier and also helps in the better functioning of your nervous system.

11. Lower Risk of Heart Disease

Flavonols are a type of flavonoid found in dark chocolates ( which are made from cocoa beans), which help in protecting you from heart disease by lowering blood pressure, improving blood flow, and preventing cell destruction. The antioxidants and polyphenols present in cocoa powder also help in reducing blood sugar levels and improving your cholesterol level.

We can not consume cocoa in its raw form to make it suitable for our use; we have to convert it into cocoa powder.
Some simple steps are followed to convert cocoa beans into cocoa powder. They are:-

  • Firstly the cocoa beans are roasted carefully without getting burnt.
  • Then the shells are removed from the beans leaving only the cocoa nibs behind.
  • Then the cocoa nibs are crushed into non-alcoholic cocoa liquor.
  • Furthermore, the cocoa liquor is pressed to remove the cocoa butter, called the oil pressing method.
  • Then the leftover solid mass is broken down to form the cocoa powder.

Cocoa powder is just as beneficial as cocoa; it contains all the nutrients present in cocoa beans.
But if you are not a huge chocolate lover or if you don’t want to try cocoa powder, then you can try our most precious product that is our specially curated chocolate black tea. Hot cocoa infused with fresh black tea leaves to give a rich chocolate flavor is a treat for all chai and chocolate lovers. Enriched with all the goodness of black tea and cocoa beans., our chocolate tea is made from fresh and healthy tea leaves and is rich in antioxidants which help in improving brain activity eliminating free radicals Boosts embolism and energy, and increasing your heart function.
This tea is curated especially for all my fellow chocolate lovers. Help your mood lift and feel more euphoric with our most beloved chocolate organic black tea.

By Smriti Nautiyal


Jhangora – A perfect nutritious cereal

Health benefits of jhangora and Some Dishes

Jhangora is one of the oldest food known to humanity and is one of the ancientest staples food of the people of Uttarakhand. It is light brown and oval and known as barnyard millet. It is one of the major crops grown in the lush Himalayan valleys of Kumaon and Garhwal regions of Uttarakhand. Because the barnyard millet tastes almost similar to broken rice when cooked, it is also called the “Sanwa rice.”

Why Jhangora is a better alternative than all other cereals?

Jhangora is not just a cheaper cereal but also rich in antioxidants. It also contains high fiber contents, proteins, micronutrients like magnesium, phenolic acids and is gluten-free. These reasons make jhangora the perfect cereal for you to add to your daily meal. We have researched a lot and found some highly beneficial facts about barnyard millet. Some of them we have attached here too.

1. It is much lower in calories than other cereals.

Barnyard millet is not just rich in antioxidants and proteins but also low in calories, which makes it suitable for losing weight too. You can easily replace your daily servings of rice with barnyard millet and still enjoy the taste of rice. The grains of barnyard millet is highly nutritious and will make you feel energetic and enthusiastic.

2. Good for diabetes patients

Have you ever pondered over the fact that why white rice is not recommended to eat by diabetes patients?

According to hsph White rice has a high glycemic index, meaning that it can cause spikes in blood sugar. Previous research has linked high glycemic index foods with increased type 2 diabetes risk. Jhangora is not only low on the glycemic index but also a gluten-free food which makes it suitable for diabetes patients too, as it can be a better alternative to rice.

3. Prevents cardiovascular diseases

Barnyard millet also prevents cardiovascular diseases and protects your heart.

4. An excellent source of fiber

Jhangora is known for its high fiber content too. The grain contains the highest amount of fiber compared to other grains and millets, This is also one of the main reasons people eat barnyard millet to prevent excess gas and bloating. Jhangora can also help in staving off periods of cramps. That’s why it can be eaten during the menstrual cycle.

5. Rich in iron

Jhangora is also the richest of all the cereals regarding iron content.
According to frontiersin the iron content in barnyard millet grain is about 15.6–18.6 mg/100 g (Saleh et al., 2013; Renganathan et al., 2017; Vanniarajan et al., 2018), which is rationally higher than major cereals and millets.

6. Good for bones and teeth

Barnyard millet is a good source of calcium, and that makes it a windfall for your teeth and bones. If you want healthier bones and stronger teeth, then you should definitely try switching your daily grain to jhangora. Jhangora is often known as a fast cereal because this cereal can be consumed during fasting too, but that is not the only method of consumption of jhangora. It can also make many mouth-watering dishes, and you can enjoy them during the non-fasting period.
Some of the dishes that can be made using barnyard millet are:-

  • Jhangora ki kheer
  • Jhangora payasam
  • Jhangora Upma
  • Sarawak ka chawal
  • Janghora idli

Some of the recipes that we liked and would love if you would try them at your home are:-

1. Jhangora Idli

Ingredients required:-

  1. Jhangora
  2. Urad daal
  3. Water
  • Soak some barnyard millet and urad daal in water for some hours.
  • Blend both of them by mixing some water till you get a frothy, thick batter.
  • Now take a steamer or idli cooker, boil some water in it. Till then, you can place your idli batter carefully in the stand.
  • When the water starts boiling, put the stands in the steamer and turn off the stove after 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Auniquefter taking it off from the stove, let it cool for 5 minutes.
  • Your idli is ready, and now Remove them carefully from the stand and serve them with chutney or sauce.

You can enjoy this dish both hold or cold as per your preferences.

2. Jhangora Payasam

Ingredients Required:-

  • Barnyard millet
  • Milk
  • Dry fruits
  • Sugar
  • Ghee

How to prepare?

Mix some barnyard millet with milk thoroughly.

Add sugar and stir gently to cook payasam.

Now take another pan and put some ghee in it.
Then add all the dry fruits and roast them until a dark golden color appears.
You can also add some vegetables to it if you want to.

This is one of the most accessible dishes to make and can be enjoyed as a breakfast or a lunch.

3. Jhangora kheer

When it comes to dessert, Who doesn’t love kheer?
Kheer is one of the most loved desserts among not only Indians but people from different parts of the world who love it.
If you love kheer, you have to try our recipe of jhangora kheer too.

Ingredients Required

  • Jhangora
  • Sugar
  • Milk
  • Dry fruits

How to prepare?

  • Take a pan and boil some milk in it.
  • After the milk is boiled, add some barnyard millet to it and keep stirring the mixture to avoid the lumps.
  • Add some sugar to it and again keep stirring so that the sugar is dissolved properly in the mixture.
  • Let it cook for some time, and once the mixture is cooked, you can add some dry fruits for the garnishing.

Your jhangora kheer is ready!

Either you can refrigerate your kheer for some time to enjoy cold or serve it as hot as you like.

Why Should you go for our jhangora?

Our jhangora is not just 100% organic and contained from the new valley of Uttarakhand but is also a major of living for many households. The local artisans and women make all our products of Uttarakhand.
By buying our products, you are not only doing a deed for nature but also supporting the livelihoods of local women of Uttarakhand.
We are bringing together the community of so-called ‘housewives’ to dive into a creative endure.
We want our Women to realize they are more than they give themselves credit for; they are loved and unique.
Join our little venture and help us attain our aim to encourage people to live a healthier and better life.


Top 10 Tremendous Health Benefits of Honey

Top 10 Tremendous Health Benefits of Honey

Honey is a saccharine, thick syrupy liquid honey bees make by the nectar secreted from plants.
The color, odor, and flavor of honey are determined by the type of flower from which the nectar has been collected.

How is it made?

Bees collect nectar from different types of flowers and then store it inside wax structures called honeycombs.
Each type of bee has its particular job in making honey, and as soon they start constant fanning of their wings, evaporation starts happening, which results in the formation of a sweet, rigid substance called honey.
It has an indefinite shelf life and, if stored with care, can be used for a long time.

Uses of honey

Honey is a natural sweetener and can be used anywhere.
From cosmetics to food, honey can be used in all fields.
It can be used as a spread on top of bread, as an extra additive to tea, as a sweetener to beverages.
It is also used in the making of different types of cosmetic products.

Benefits of honey

1. Honey has high antioxidants

There are Phytonutrients present in honey that are accountable for its antioxidant properties, as well as its antibacterial and antifungal ability.These antioxidants also help in fighting against diseases by boosting your immune system.

2. Helps in fighting against cold, cough, and fever.

Have you ever been sick, and your mother told you to take a spoonful of honey with lemon?
This is because honey contains antibacterial properties, which help fight against fever, cold, and cough.

3. Helps in improving heart health

The increased amount of antioxidants like phenolic acids and flavonoids present in honey could help in improving cholesterol levels, which can help in decreasing the risk for heart disease.

4. Effective in healing wounds

Honey has been proven effective in healing wounds for decades.
During ancient times honey was used as a primary healer; even nowadays, some people still prefer honey as a natural healer.Honey has antibacterial properties that help wounds rejuvenate faster.

5. Natural energy drink

Do you know honey can be an instant energy booster?
Just adding one tablespoon of honey to your regular water can serve as a natural energy drink and provide you with instant stamina.So Instead of using chemical added energy drinkers, you can use honey as a natural energy booster which is 100% organic and also much healthier for your body.

6. Fights tooth decay

Are you a sweet tooth but is scared of overeating sweat because of fear of tooth decay or cavities? Well, here is what we have found for you.
Despite being a sweetener, honey has been proven effective in not only dealing with gum decay but also it reduces the amount of acid produced in your mouth and stopping the growth of bacteria present inside your mouth. It also prevents tooth enamel erosion.Honey has been proven effective in treating Teeth and gum diseases like gingivitis, bleeding, and plaque.

7.Acts as a Natural Sleeping Aid

Just taking a single spoon of honey before you go to bed can prove a blessing to your lifestyle.
In this hectic generation, with all those busy schedules and work, having a good sleep is very much needed, but as many responsibilities we have, it gets pretty hard to get stress-free sleep.
Tho honey can be consumed any time of the day but taking it just before bedtime can act as a better energy source for your liver as it supplies an ample proportion of glycogen to the liver.

8.Good for your hair

This might appear to you as an unusual use of honey, but yes, some people use honey as a natural dandruff removal agent for their hair.
Honey has some anti-fungal properties and antiseptic hydrogen peroxide that not only helps in removing dandruff but also makes your hair looks sleeker and more robust, resulting in minor hair fall.

9.Make your skin look fresh and glowing

Do you want naturally glowing and healthier skin without much effort?
Like you want to flex your skin to your friends but are too afraid to try out new market products as they might or might not suit your skin?
Well then, honey might be a cure for this problem. The Exfoliating properties present in honey can eliminate your dead skin cells and make your skin look brighter.Using honey can also help you Lighten your skin complexion, thus making your skin look fair.

10.A healthier alternative to sugar

Honey, a natural sweetener, is considered a much healthier alternative to sugar because of several nutrients and antioxidants.Also, as it is much sweeter than sugar, only a small quantity of honey can do its work.
It also has a lower GI value than sugar, making it better for blood sugar than regular table sugar.

Out of all the variations present, which one should you choose?

Here we have read about different uses and benefits of honey, and now what if I tell you, you can get all these and that too with the insurance of your health and safety just in a single jar of honey?
Our exceptional honey varieties are pure 100% certified organic honey sourced in its purest form and rich dark golden pigmentation.They also have a divine taste and aroma.

Our honey is collected from Uttarakhand and packed in a hygienic environment without any processing or adulteration.
We don’t pasteurize, heat, or process the honey. As a result, the flame dwells on all its beneficial antioxidants, vitamins, nutrients, and enzymes.

We have different variants of honey, and you can choose whichever you want according to your preferences.

You can try all you want because our honey is not just easily accessible but also reasonable in prices as compared to other organic brands.
You can add a single tablespoon of honey to your warm or cold water or milk and enjoy it as per your like, and it will do miracles to your health and fitness.
If you don’t trust us, try yourself and let us know about your experience.

By – Smriti Nautiyal


Tulsi Has Several Amazing Health Benefits

Tulsi Has Several Amazing Health Benefits

“The Queen of Herbs” Tulsi, also known as Holi Basil, is an aromatic shrub known for its healing properties and belongs to the Lamiaceae family. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and grows widely throughout Southeast Asia.
Tulsi is always considered therapeutic and is enriched with thousands of curative properties, making it suitable for Ayurveda and other medicinal uses.

~Tulsi as a sacred plant
Have you ever seen your parents watering and worshiping the tulsi plant in your house? Used as a medicinal plant nowadays, Holi Basil is also considered a sacred plant and holds a crucial role in the Hindu religion.
Tulsi is considered not just a plant but a goddess in Hinduism. Hindus believe that Tulsi is another Avatar or incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi and should be worshipped daily.
At ancient times it was planted at the center of the house in the courtyard but nowadays
People often plant Holy basil in the front of their homes or as an indoor plant.
It is often believed that worshipping Tulsi is another path to connect yourself with Lord Vishnu, bringing peace and serenity to one’s life.

Types of Tulsi

There are three different types of holy basil, and three of them have their unique properties and are used for different purposes.
They are:-

1. Rama Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)

Rama Tulsi is also known as green holy basil and has light green colored leaves and purple flowers. It is mainly cultivated for regional and medicinal uses. This tulsi is sweet and aromatic in nature It is used to cure throat infections, colds, flu, and other respiratory diseases. Rama Tulsi is also an insect repellent and can be used to place in between stored grains.

2.Krishna Tulsi (Ocimum tenuiflorum)

Krishna tulsi is also known as purple-leaf tulsi. It is known as ‘Shyama Tulsi.’ Shyama is one of the names of Lord Krishna, and as Krishna tulsi is purple and resembles the color of Krishna, it was named Shyama Tulsi. It tastes like pepper and is crispy in texture. This variant of tulsi has been proved effective in treating skin infection, respiratory problems, and earaches. The oil extracted from Krishna tulsi can so be used as ear drops.

3.Vana Tulsi: (Ocimum gratis sum)

Usually found in the mountains, Vana tulsi is mainly known for increasing immunity and boosting endurance. It helps in increasing mental and physical endurance. It has an intense lemony aroma and is enriched with anti-aging properties.

Benefits of tulsi

1.Reduces respiratory disorders like the common cold and cough

Have you ever felt a little cold or cough, and the first thing your mother did was make you a hot cup of tulsi tea?
Tulsi is a natural medicine, and it acts as an innate immunity booster for our body, thus reducing cold and cough. Moreover, the anti-Camphene, cineole, and eugenol in Tulsi help reduce cold and congestion in the chest. 

2.Tulsi as an eye protector.

Tulsi can help your eyes by calming them with its relieving and anti-inflammatory properties and protecting them from pollution present in the environment.

3.Acts as a Cure for Bad Breath

Are you tired of people continuously nagging you about your bad breath even tho you brush regularly and maintain all the oral hygiene? Badmouth odor is often caused by the germs and bacteria present in your mouth, and sometimes it gets tough to get rid of them.

4.Is a rich source of vitamins and minerals

Various types of vitamins like Vitamin A, C, and K are found in Tulsi. It is also rich in minerals like iron, potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Moreover, tulsi also has an abundant amount of fiber, calcium, and protein.

5.Lessens fever and headaches

Just a single cup of tulsi green tea helps in building antibiotics in your body and reduces fever. Tulsi tea has also proven effective against migraines and headaches.

6.Promising for skin and hair

The anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties present in tulsi help your skin be acne-free and in skin glow. The anti-fungal properties also help in keeping your hair dandruff and fungal-free.

7.Protects from Type 2 diabetes

Tulsi leaves are said to have hypoglycaemic properties, which means they help in lowering the blood glucose level and thereby decreasing the chance of type 2 diabetes.

8.Helps is in getting rid of kidney stones

Do you know that One of the main reasons behind kidney stones is the presence of excess uric acid in your body?
Tulsi helps in reducing the level of uric acid in your body, thereby helping you in getting rid of kidney stones

9.Has Anti-aging properties

This is one of the most known benefits of Holy basil. The numerous antioxidants present in holy basil not only help in removing acne or skin glow but also rejuvenate your skin and make you look even younger than you already are. These are all the benefits we have summarised from the tremendous amounts of privileges holy basil provides. Now you all must be well aware that adding just a few leaves of Holy basil to your daily can act as a miracle to your whole body, mind, and spirit. The main question is how you can add it to your day-to-day life?
Of course, you can’t some leaves from the plant and eat them in the raw form! We, the team of yellow hills, have come up with a solution here to solve this problem of yours.
You only have to replace your regular cup of tea with our special tulsi green tea. Our tulsi green tea comes with all the nutritional values that consuming tulsi will provide and is 100 times healthier and beneficial than your regular cup of tea. Furthermore, it comes in different variants and can be enjoyed as hot on a chilly winter day or cold on a sunny and bright day. We hope that after reading this, you all are ready to try our different range of tulsi tea and prepared to change your life!

By Smriti Nautiyal

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8 Tremendous Health Benefits Of Green Tea

8 Tremendous Health Benefits Of Green Tea

Tea or popularly known as Chai, is a beverage prepared by mixing some leaves of a plant in cold or hot water.

Tea has gained popularity all over these years and is enjoyed by the whole world.

 According to Wikipedia, tea is the second largest most consumed beverage after water.

All teas are made up by drying the leaves of Camellia sinensis plant, but what determines the type of tea is its level of oxidation.

With its good taste and countless health benefits, organic green tea acts as a perfect drink for your daily routine.

Green tea comes in various variants like tulsi green tea or lemon green tea and can be enjoyed both as a hot beverage or a cold beverage.

Some of the variants of green teas are


Once a great man said, “Many men mind many minds,” and nothing was as apt as this saying.

The same goes for the history of green tea.

There are numerous theories on the discovery of green tea. However, not all are true. Historians believe that one day the Chinese Emperor was sipping his usual cup of warm water, and a dead tea leaf fell in his cup; he found the flavor of it very refreshing, that’s how one of the most beloved tea was born. The reason why historians believe this conception to be true is that this incident was later described in a book named “Cha jing” or “The classic of tea” by Lu Yu during the Tang dynasty between 760 CE and 762 CE was the first-ever book written about tea. Not only during that period, but the book also served as a great source of record for historians. The book described the art and culture of green tea, and It was only through this book that the world came to know about tea as one of the oldest beverages and how it can be prepared and served. Today, green tea resulting from an accident has grown its popularity worldwide, and every age group enjoys it. Most people prefer green tea instead of ordinary tea because of its aroma, taste, and countless health benefits.

1. Helps in weight loss.

Are you a Chai lover but also want to burn your body fat?

You want that refined body but also can’t settle for anything else than chai? 

In this world where everyone wants a perfect body with an ideal mind-set, green tea helps burn fat by making your metabolism rate more efficient.

Just a cup of green tea can make a huge difference, and you can shed all your extra fat without even comprising your daily cup of tea.

2. Can protect you from cardiovascular diseases.

An increase in cholesterol levels causes cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and heart Stokes that’s why you need to replace your ordinary tea with green tea. Green tea helps in lowering the cholesterol level hence reducing the chances of cardiovascular diseases.

3. Prevents Type 2 diabetes

A substance called catechins, a type of antioxidant present in green tea helps reduce the effects of insulin resistance by decreasing the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates in the human body, thereby lowering the chances of type 2 diabetes.

4. Acts as a Cure for Bad Breath

Are you tired of people continuously nagging you about your bad breath even tho you brush regularly and maintain all the oral hygiene?
Badmouth odor is often caused by the germs and bacteria present in your mouth, and sometimes it gets tough to get rid of them. Green tea contains compounds called polyphenols which include catechins, theaflavins, tannins, and flavonoids. They fight naturally occurring germs in your mouth and help in keeping your breath elegant.

5. Helps your brain cells in working faster and effectively.

Green tea contains a good amount of caffeine which not only increases your concentration but also helps you in staying focused and boosting the speed of neurons resulting in faster and effective working of your brain.

It also helps you in being active and energized the whole day long. 

6. Lowers the risk of cancer

Cancer, one of the deadliest diseases of the world, can be prevented by green tea.

However, there is not much evidence to prove this point yet, but green tea drinkers are less likely to catch cancer than milk tea drinkers. Cancer is caused by the rampant growth of the cells in our body, and the antioxidants present in green tea helps by stopping them from growing and hence lowering the risks of various types of cancer such as skin, breast, lungs, and bladder cancers.

7. Lowers your cholesterol levels

The antioxidants like polyphenols present in green tea are also helpful in reducing your cholesterol level. Other than these, there are so many other benefits of green tea, and many more types of research are going on to prove some different assumptions.

8. contains anti-aging properties

Green tea has proven to be highly effective in anti-aging your skin. The antioxidant named EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) Fights against dead skin cells and helps prevent skin damage such as wrinkles, creases, and sunburns. Researchers have also shown that green tea helps prevent skin cancer too.

How is green tea prepared?

Now let’s come to the central part of how you can enjoy your cup of green tea!

Making a cup of green tea is much easier than making milk tea.

You just have to boil some water and put in some green tea leaves in it and wait till the water turns dark yellowish.

You can add sugar if you want, but we will advise you just add lemon or honey to it instead of sugar.

That was all about green tea, how it was found, how it is prepared, and how it can affect your health.

This is why green tea is considered one of the healthiest tea among all the variants of tea in the world.

If you are still contemplating switching your daily cup of milk tea to green tea, then this is your sign to go for it!

Written By – Smriti Nautiyal


How To Make Lemon Green tea & Its Benefits

  • With an aim to provide a chemical-free and healthy lifestyle, Yellowhills is bringing to you organic lemon green tea all the way from the Himalayan region. This rejuvenating drink will give your body the utmost energy throughout the day and will keep your mind fresh and active.


Drinking lemon green tea everyday brings with it a whole bunch of health benefits

  • It helps to boost brain function. Its bioactive organic compounds have various beneficial effects on the brain.
  • It contains fat-burning supplements that increase the burning of excess body fat and boost up the metabolic rate that eventually helps to lose weight.
  • The antioxidants present in it keeps the body protected against oxidative damages and reduces the risk of cancer.
  • The catechins in it inhibit the growth of oral bacteria and reduce bad breath, thus proves to be beneficial to oral health.
  • It improves Insulin activity and reduces blood sugar level which helps to lower the risk of diabetes.
  • It also improves the total cholesterol levels and increases the antioxidant capacity of the blood, which lowers the risk of various heart disease.


How to make it

Start your day with our super-refreshing drink and stay active all day long. The making procedure is so simple and quick that you can even make it in no time. You only need to follow these easy steps:

  • Firstly, Use 1/2 tablespoon of Lemon Green Tea.
  • Pour freshly boiled water and allow it to brew for 2-3 minutes. Cover with a lid.
  • Stir and strain into a cup & enjoy.