
Some Delicious Recipes Of Rajma

Rajma, also known as kidney beans, is one of the most loved pulses not just in India but all around the world. Rajma is often considered suitable for Heart Health, Preventing Cancer, effective in Weight Loss, Strengthening Bones, and many other things. We often consider rajma as only a pulse, but it can also be used in various other dishes. We have found some really unique Recipes of Rajma for you that you all might love to try.

1. Rajma raita

Take a bowl and add some dahi to it.

– Now, Boil the rajma, strain it, and set it aside.

– In a mixing bowl, combine dahi, salt, and honey and whisk until smooth.

– Min roasted cumin, chili powder, and black pepper powder.

2. Rajma kebab

– For this recipe, we need to be peeled rajma beans. So firstly, in a large mixing bowl, soak some rajma overnight.

– Next day, pour some boiling water over the soaked rajma to remove its cover.

– Take a grinder and grind all the soaked rajma gently to make a rough paste.

– Now, toss some chopped onion, green peppers, tomatoes, chili powder, coriander powder, lemon juice, peanuts, and salt to the paste.

– Add some besan to the paste and mix it well.

– Combine all ingredients by hand and roll into tiny rolls

– Take a frying pan and deep fry the rolls till turned into golden brown color.

And your rajma kebab is ready to be served!! You can serve them with green chutney or red sauce for a better taste.

3. Grilled rajma sandwich recipe

– Soak some rajma in water overnight. The next day, remove the excess water from the rajma, cook it, peel them and keep them aside.

– Boil some potatoes and mash them up.

– Take a pan, heat some oil, and add ginger garlic paste to it. After a few minutes, add the cooked rajma and all the masalas in it.

– Once appropriately cooked, turn off the knob and allow the stuffing to cool.

– Now, take a grill pan and coat both sides with butter.

– Put bread slices on it and then stuff it with the rajma stuffing. You can also put some cheese slices on it if you want.

– Cook the sandwich until it becomes golden brown and crispy.

Your grilled rajma sandwich is ready to be served.

All these recipes can be prepared quickly. It would help if you had all your ingredients and a good quality rajma. YellowHills is home to a variety of pulses, millets, and spices grown in the high-altitude Himalayan ranges of Uttarakhand. We provide you food directly to your footsteps that are organically certified with the freshness of hills. All our pulses are rich in nutrients and minerals. We have different types of rajma available at yellow hills like Chitra rajma, harsh rajma, and Joshimath rajma. All the rajma types are 100% organic and free from any chemical or extra added preservatives.


Different type of Herbal Tea Recipes in India for a Healthier You

Herbal Tea and its benefits are innumerable in quantity. We have already discussed them with you, and now we are today with all the good recipes of different types of tea that you can try at your house.
Some of them are:-

1. Lemon Iced tea

Iced tea, as the name suggests, is the name given to the cold variant of tea. Tho many people like their tea as hot and steamy many prefer to enjoy it as hard. Iced tea is famous for its refreshing taste and exhilarating qualities. I bet there are many chai lovers out there who can’t live without chai for even a single day. But when the days are hot and fuzzy, we sometimes need to quirk it and add a refreshing essence to our monotonous life. Iced tea do that thing with you but without compromising your health. Iced tea helps brighten your day, but there are numerous other health benefits in addition to this. A glass of iced tea a day will help your body retain all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need. You can make iced tea with any tea like black or green. Also, you can add milk or sugar, or any other artificial flavoring according to your preferences.
Here is how you can make your perfect cup of ices tea:-P

  • Pour some water into a pan
  • Turn on the gas knob and let the water heat for some minutes.
  • When the water starts boiling, add some iced tea to it. You can also add sugar if you want.
  • Add 4 to 5 drops of lemon to it and turn off the knob.
  • Let the tea chill in the refrigerator for 20 to 45 minutes, and voila! Your iced lemon tea is ready to be served.
  • You can also add some lemon slices to the glass to decorate your drink while serving.

2. Ginger tea

Ginger tea can be a great aid in the season of this cold fuzzy winter. It treats not only cold and fever but also provides excellent immunity to your body.
Here is how you can prepare ginger tea:-

  • Take some water in a pan and let it boil.
  • Add some smashed ginger in the boiled water and let it boil, then add some tea leaves and sugar according to your taste.
  • You can add some ginger chai masala in it to give your tea a more raw taste.
  • Then pour some milk into the container and let the mixture boil again.
  • And your ginger tea is ready to be served!

3. Green tea

Green tea is one of the most famous variants of tea, and many people prefer this over usual milk tea because of its numerous health benefits. It can provide a massive change to your body and mind. Now let’s come to the central part of how you can enjoy your cup of green tea!
Making a cup of green tea is much easier than making milk tea.

  • You have to boil some water and put in some green tea leaves in it and wait till the water turns dark yellowish.
  • You can add sugar if you want, but we will advise you to add lemon or honey to it instead of sugar.
  • That was all about green tea, how it was found, how it is prepared, and how it can affect your health.
  • This is why green tea is considered one of the healthiest tea among all the variants of tea in the world.
  • If you are still contemplating switching your daily cup of milk tea to green tea, then this is your sign to go for it!

4. Masala chai

Have you ever heard of the famous Mumbai masala chai?
Masala chai is often referred to as the type of tea vital in flavors and aroma. The strangeness of flavors is due to different herbs and spices.
It’s pretty famous in Mumbai, but of course, we can’t travel the whole way to Mumbai to drink tea. So what we can do is prepare our masala tea at home.
Preparing masala tea is just a left-hand job, and here is how you can make it:-

  • Take some cloves, ginger, cinnamon, and cardamoms and crush them properly.
  • Now take a pan and boil some water in it.
  • Once the water starts boiling, add all the spices to it.
  • Add tea leaves and sugar according to you.
  • Then add milk and let the tea boil again.
  • Once boiled properly, serve it hot to everyone.

These were some of our favorite recipes. Try them at home and let us know what you think of them.

For Quick health check up or for your regular health check up you can consult to a doctor at DIMS Ayurvedic Hospital.

neem honeyCategoriesBlog

Some Recipes in which honey can be added

Honey is thought to be one of the best thick golden liquids for adding sweetness and color to cuisine. Honey, in addition to adding sweetness to your dish, has several health benefits. In our previous blog, we covered the health advantages of honey, and now we’re back with all the new words you may try with our organic honey. We did a lot of research and came up with these four best recipes that you can create at home for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
Read on to learn more about them:

1. Honey chili chicken

  • Take some chicken pieces in a bowl and wash them thoroughly.
  • After washing them, take some maida and spices in a bowl and coat the cleaned chicken pieces with them.
  • Now, dip them in a cornflour slurry and let the chicken fry.
  • Take a pan and add some oil to it.
  • Let the oil heat for 2 to 3 minutes.
  • Then add some onion, ginger, garlic paste, and vegetables (if you want ).
  • Add the fried chicken to it and then add some soya sauce and honey and mix them properly. You can also add tomato sauce and chili sauce if you want but make sure they mix properly.
  • After mixing, let it cook for 5 to 10 minutes, and voila! Your chicken is ready.
  • Serve it hot with some coating of honey on the top of it.

2. Honey chili paneer

  • Take a bowl and cut some vegetables in it. The most important ones are capsicum and onion. You can add other vegetables like corn or beans too if you want.
  • Also, don’t forget to cut your paneer into thin slices.,
  • After cutting them, heat the oil in a pan and let the vegetables fry for about 4 to 5 minutes.
  • Retake oil in the same pan and add some onion and ginger garlic paste.
  • Add the panner slices and vegetables to it.
  • Now add some soya sauce, chili sauce, salt, and then the main ingredient, one tablespoon of honey, to it.
  • Let it cook for 2 to 3 minutes and serve it hot with some servings of capsicum and onion over it.
  • You can also sprinkle some honey over it.

Some beverages

We have also shot out the best beverage recipes for you.

1. Honey lemon tea

  • Take a pan and boil some water in it.
  • Add some ginger and tea leaves to it once it starts to boil.
  • Now add some honey to it.
  • Let the tea boil, and then drizzle some lemon juice over it.
  • Your honey lemon tea is ready to be served.
  • You can also serve it as a cold tea in the summer season.

2. Honey lemonade

  • In a kettle or saucepan over low heat, warm approximately a cup of water with some honey.
  • Remove the honey from the heat after stirring to dissolve it. This should take no more than a minute.
  • Stir in the remaining water and lemon juice. If desired, add extra honey.
  • Chill it for some time and then serve

These were some best recipes we selection of s for you over thousands of other recipes available. But there are other recipes that you can try, too, like honey smoothies, honey cupcakes, honey sandwiches, honey chili potatoes, and potatoes. Honey can automatically add potatoes not in just your food but to your health too. But remember you have to choose the right honey. At yellow hills, we have 100% organic and healthy honey for you. We care about your health more than you do and have curated an enormous variety of honey for you.
Try them now and choose which is your favorite one?


COVID 19 and YellowHills

COVID 19 and YellowHills

Last year, in the year 2020, everything in our lives came to a halt; the world came to a stop, and what was impossible to believe became logical.

Nobody ever imagined that being near to their loved ones could be the cause of their death in their wildest dreams. Yes, you’re all correct.  I’m referring to the world’s deadliest COVID.19 virus, which shocked not only our country but the entire world. Traveling and eating at a fancy restaurant is a long way off. Even the most mundane tasks, such as going to the grocery store or the office, seemed to be an impossible chore.

What we eat, where we obtain our food, and how it is produced, stored, and prepared are all areas where the coronavirus pandemic is forcing enormous reconsideration.
The demand for organic, sustainable foods increases as people become more aware of the health benefits of a natural, balanced diet. Organic implies being free of any artificial chemicals, flavors, or enhancers. Artificial preservatives are recognized to be absent from organic food.

However, The primary issue now is deciding which organic foods to purchase. There are a lot of organic food manufacturers out there, but are they selling top-quality organic food?
Is the brand organically certified? We at Yellow Hills went on many tangents before deciding to only serve you with high-quality, conveniently available organic food.

We bring you all of our favorite spices, teas, handmade goods, and other household essentials straight from Uttarakhand’s pahad districts. We recognize that covid hurts people’s emotional and financial health, which is why we designed our products extremely affordable so that they would be available to individuals of all socioeconomic backgrounds.
We strive to give the best at the most affordable prices while meeting the most promising health demands.

We deal with the most excellent quality honey, teas, pahadi dinner meal, and home design products like candles and carpets, in addition to rice and beans. Now let’s talk about the second most important problem that has come up during this pandemic: employment. We were taught in the past that only the male was the dominating member of a household and that only they had the right to go out. Work and provide for your family. This belief is still held in certain houses today; however, during many covers, male and local artisans lost their daily source of income as a result of Covid 19. Living became difficult, and many families suffered financial difficulties, and it was at that point that our society’s women demonstrated that no woman is less than a man. The ladies of Uttarakhand were allowed to demonstrate this by being a part of our small venture. Our beloved Uttarakhand women handpick, make, and back everything we curate for you. Not only do we assist women, but we also help our state’s local crafts people. We make it a point to contribute at least 5% of our earnings to them. So, by purchasing our products, you are not only picking the best organic and healthy food for yourself, but you are also contributing to the lighting of many homes with even the most minor purchase.

sessame seedCategoriesBlog

Top 6 health benefits of consuming Sesame

Top 6 health benefits of consuming Sesame

You all must be aware of Sesame oil. But have you ever wondered where it is extracted?
Now, I know most of you must have used “Til” once in your kitchen but might not know that til is popularly known as sesame seeds, and it is from where sesame oil is extracted. On these beautiful breezy winters day, til serves a superb diet to turn your diet. You can try various dishes made by til, such as Til k laddoo, til ki pakodi, til ki khichdi, etc.

Some of the benefits of til are:-


Is your hair falling out? Large quantities of sesame seeds should be consumed. Sesame seeds help the roots grow more robust. The high omega fatty acid content of the sources helps to encourage hair growth while also mending the damage. They also assist in moisturizing the scalp and increasing blood circulation, which aids in hair follicle regeneration.


Sesame seeds are high in antioxidants, which help reverse the effects of aging and give you younger-looking skin. Sesame seeds are rich in oil, and the oil present in sesame seeds is highly beneficial for your skin. They are high in anti-inflammatory characteristics, which aid in the natural healing of redness, sores, and other facial skin disorders.


Fibre keeps the digestive tract flowing and is suitable for your digestive system. Sesame seeds are rich in fiber which helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.


Sesame seeds contain vital minerals like magnesium and potassium, which help to enhance bone mineral density. To put it another way, potassium aids in conserving calcium in the body, minimizing urine calcium loss. Magnesium is most well-known in the human body to build bones, particularly connective tissues (cartilage) and teeth. These vital minerals complement one another to improve total bone health. And Helps in making your bones stronger and healthier.


An increase in cholesterol levels causes cardiovascular diseases like heart attack and heart Stokes that’s why you need to add sesame seeds to your diet. It helps lower the cholesterol level hence reducing the chances of cardiovascular diseases.

6. Helps in blood sugar control

Because sesame seeds are low in carbs and high in excellent protein and healthy fats, they may help with blood sugar regulation. They also include a plant chemical that may be beneficial in this area.

sessame seeds

Our sesame seeds are 100% organic and artificial preservative-free. Moreover, By buying our products, you are not only doing a good deed for nature but also supporting the livelihoods of local women of Uttarakhand. We are bringing together the community of so-called ‘housewives’ to dive into a creative endure. We want our Women to realize they are more than they give themselves credit for; they are loved and unique. Join our little venture and help us attain our aim to encourage people to live healthier and better life.


6 Tremendous health benefits of consuming Amaranth.

6 Tremendous health benefits of consuming Amaranth.

Amaranth, also known as Amaranthus, is a worldwide genus of annual or short-lived perennial plants grouped as amaranths. It is believed to have been consumed by humans for over a decade. The Amaranthus genus has around 70 plant species found on every continent, albeit the majority of them are considered weeds. Humans have only cultivated about a dozen or so Amaranthus species. It is not a cereal grain like wheat or oats, but it has a similar nutritional profile and is used in similar ways.  Its earthy, nutty flavor goes well with a variety of dishes.
This gluten-free grain is also high in protein, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants, as well as being quite versatile.

Let’s explore some benefits of consuming amaranth

1. Contains antioxidants

Free radicals can harm cells and lead to chronic disease development. Antioxidants are substances found in nature that assist the body in fighting damaging free radicals.
Amarnath is highly rich in antioxidants. Several antioxidants, including gallic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and vanillic acid, are found in amaranth. It has been found that amaranth is rich in phenolic acids, which help in protecting against heart diseases and cancer. It also helps your liver to protect against alcohol.

2. It helps in reducing cholesterol levels.

Cholesterol refers to a fatty molecule found all over the body. It is a gluten-free food. Amaranth isn’t technically a grain, and it lacks the protein problems that wheat, rye, and barley can cause.  As a result, it’s an excellent gluten-free component for various dishes. To thicken soups, sauces, and more, amaranth flour can be used as a gluten-free flour substitute.  It can also be used in baking alongside other gluten-free flours and gums.

3.Helps reducing inflammation

Peptides and oils in amaranth have anti-inflammatory qualities that can help with pain and inflammation. This is especially crucial for chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, where inflammation wreaks havoc on your health. Amaranth oil can also be used to treat minor injuries and skin problems.

4. Rich in vitamins and minerals

Amaranth is not only good in various antioxidants. Moreover, it is also rich in multiple vitamins and minerals like Iron, Calcium Phosphorous,
Manganese magnesium.

5. It is enriched with high fiber contents

Constipation, bloating, and even increased fat storage may result from a lack of fiber. High-fiber meals, such as amaranth, are a terrific addition. Amaranth is a fiber-rich grain. This fills you full and helps with digestion, cholesterol, blood pressure, and sugar absorption, allowing your body to keep up with energy production

6. Rich in protein

Amaranth is a high-protein, high-essential-amino-acids grain. Amaranth protein is also highly bioavailable, which means it is more digestive than other seeds and grains and has been likened to milk protein digestibility. Moreover, all the minerals in amaranth also help darken grey hair.

Amaranth is filled with numerous health benefits. But it is unknown to many people because It is pretty underrated, and not many people can find good quality of amaranth.
So here we come to help you choose the best amaranth. We at yellow hills have curated our organic amaranth, which is 100% organic and free from any chemicals and extra preservatives. By buying our products, you are not only doing a good deed for nature but also supporting the livelihoods of local women of Uttarakhand. We are bringing together the community of so-called ‘housewives’ to dive into a creative endure. We want our Women to realize they are more than they give themselves credit for; they are loved and unique.
Join our little venture and help us attain our aim to encourage people to live a healthier and better life.


Yellow Chilly and its amazing health benefits.

Yellow Chilly and its amazing health benefits.

Yellow chili peppers are the fruits of yellow Capsicum pepper plants, and they are known for their fiery flavor. The chilly yellow powder is a type of spice that is made of dried yellow peppers and is widely used in Indian households. Yellow chilly gives color and a cold taste to curries, pickles, soups, and other dishes. These are widely grown in the region of Punjab and south Kashmir . It is rich in vitamins like vitamin K1, B6, and C.

Lakhori chilly, also known as yellow chilly, is found in the Lakhora village of Uttarakhand. These chilies are found in a small area and have many more seeds than any other chilly. By keeping the quality and quantity in mind, we have made this variety of chilly available for you, hot in taste, and ideal for all types of food, including curry, biryani, and chutney .

1. Improves Metabolism and Digestive Health

Chilly pepper’s impact on gut health and weight loss is one of its most significant benefits.  Yellow Chili peppers, contrary to populate, can really be a stomach anti-irritant and a fantastic approach to treat stomach ulcers.Second, chili peppers are high in antioxidants and other substances that can help with other digestive ailments like upset stomachs, intestinal gas, diarrhea, and cramping, especially in powder form. Peppers can do so because they activate gastric secretions and work to neutralize acidity in the digestive tract.

2. Helps in alleviating pain

The primary bioactive plant ingredient in chili peppers, capsaicin, has unique features. Pain receptors, which are nerve endings that detect pain, bind to it. This causes a burning feeling but no actual burns. Despite this, frequent consumption of chili peppers (or capsaicin) may desensitize your pain receptors over time, lowering your ability to detect the chili’s burning flavor. It also makes these pain receptors impervious to other types of discomfort, such as acid reflux-induced heartburn.

3. Cancer risk may be reduced

Antioxidants included in yellow bell peppers help the body combat free radicals. These free radicals harm your body’s cells and, in the long term, may cause cancer. Yellow bell pepper consumption aids in the removal of free radicals from the body, lowering cancer risk.

4. Treats migraines

Researches have found that chilly pepper can help in treating headaches and migraines. Capsaicin, a chemical found in the portion of the pepper that houses the seeds, numbs the trigeminal nerve in your brain, which is where migraines and severe headaches begin.

5. Helps in reducing weight

In this new world where everyone wants to stay healthy and fit, yellow chilly is a great way to fight obesity and be strong and active.
It’s not just about being fit but also about staying away from various diseases caused by obesity like heart attacks, higher blood pressure, and diabetes.
Consuming chilly yellow powder daily mixed with your food can help you fight against all these unique health problems.

By buying our products you are not only doing a good deed for nature but also supporting the livelihoods of local women of Uttarakhand. We are bringing together the community of so-called ‘housewives’ to dive into a creative endure. We want our Women to realize they are more than they give themselves credit for, they are loved and they are special.
Join our little venture and help us attain our aim to encourage people to live a and better life.


Seven tremendous health benefits of consuming Turmeric.

Seven tremendous health benefits of consuming Turmeric.

Turmeric, a warm and bitter in taste spice that is often used as a food coloring agent to give food a yellowish color. Yellow hills have curated 100% organic turmeric powder, which will help in boosting your Immune System and promoting Healthily Digestion. Our turmeric powder has been made from pure turmeric rhizomes and will give your food the perfect color and taste. It is not just a spice but also a medicinal herb.

Our country has been using turmeric for thousands of years, but I am damn sure that most of you must not be aware of all the health benefits it provides to your health and your mind.
If you are not adding turmeric to your daily food, you are degrading your health.
We have gathered some significant benefits of turmeric for you all.

We have listed The best ones here for you:-

1. Is good for your brain

Turmeric stimulates the production of the brain hormone BDNF, which promotes the creation of new neurons and may aid in the prevention of several degenerative brain diseases.

2. Has anti-inflammatory properties

Curcumin, a chemical found in turmeric, has potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The majority of research uses turmeric extracts that have been standardized to have high levels of curcumin.

3. Turmeric can boost the body’s antioxidant capacity.

Antioxidants are essential for your body. But do you know why?
There are free radicals present in your body. These Free radicals are highly reactive molecules with unpaired electrons. Free radicals react with essential chemical compounds such as fatty acids, proteins, and DNA. Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals, which is why they are so important. Turmeric is a powerful antioxidant with a molecular composition that can destroy free radicals.

4. Helps reduce fever

Turmeric is also proven effective against fever, cold, cough, and running nose. So this winter season, you don’t have to worry about your health because you already know a cure.
Just a pinch of turmeric can do its magic.

5. Can be used as an antidepressant

Despite the fact that it has not been demonstrated to be very helpful, some people believe turmeric has anti-depressant characteristics that can help them overcome depression.

6. Can cure oral mucositis

Replacing your regular mouth wash with turmeric mouth wash can make a huge difference. Curcumin is a chemical found in turmeric that prevents swelling and sores in the mouth.

7. Reduces the chance of heart diseases

Turmeric may help to minimize the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation and oxidation. Turmeric may be helpful when used in conjunction with cholesterol-lowering medication. Curcumin looks safe and may lower cholesterol levels in persons at risk of heart disease, but more research is needed to discover how much and what kind of curcumin is beneficial.

How to add turmeric to your daily diet?

You can use turmeric as a natural spice in your curry to add yellowish color and earthly flavor or mix with other food. You can add turmeric to milk, smoothies,
Soups, Scrambled eggs, boiled eggs, salad, rice, and many other food items. Adding Turmeric to your food won’t give you all these nutritional values but only choosing the suitable turmeric will. Choose the right turmeric with yellow hills. Try our specially curated turmeric straight from the hills of Uttarakhand today and give us a chance to assist you.


Bhimal fiber is used in an interesting way.

Bhimal fiber is used in an interesting way.

Bhimal, if you belong to Uttarakhand, you all might have heard the name of this tree, right?
For those who are not aware of this word or this tree, Bhimal is a local tree that is found in abundance in the lower Himalayan region, especially in Uttarakhand. Bhimal, also known as Grewia optiva, is a small tree ranging from 15 to 20 meters.It is grown in agroforestry systems alongside horticulture crops such as taro (Colocasia esculenta) and turmeric (Curcuma longa)
It is native to the Indian subcontinent and is primarily grown in mountainous areas. Seeds and vegetative cuttings can both be used to propagate them. It produces 1000 to 2000 grams of green leaves per plant per year. From the lower Garhwal and Kumaon Himalayas to 7000 meters, Bhimal grows abundantly alongside agricultural ground in the Uttarakhand districts of Chamoli and Pauri.

Some other common names of bhimal are:- Bhimal, biul, beul, bhiunal, dhaman, भीमल, भ्युल

Uses of bhimal

It’s a versatile tree that provides leaf feed, fiber, and fuel. Bhimal is often cultivated around rural areas
In previous times bhimal was only used as have to feed cattle, but nowadays, its uses has been extended to several other things.

Bhimal is highly rich in fiber, and thus, utilizing this advantage of bhimal, Women and local artisans of villages are pretty creative, and they make beautiful, exquisite products with bhimal.

Villagers employ a technique called retting to remove the fiber from the bhimal. During the winter, the tree’s branches are clipped and immersed in water for a month.  Pounding is used to remove the fiber from the wet branches.  The leaves are given to animals as a folder. Only extracted fiber is used to make ropes, slippers, mats, and other articles.
Bhimal can also be used to make shampoo.

Grecia optiva trees are a blessing to the indigenous inhabitants of Uttarakhand, given their attributes. The Uttarakhand government’s Rural Development and Industrial Sector must take proactive steps to improve the livelihood of talented and dedicated craftspeople. Bhimal is superior to jute and can improve the lives of Uttarakhand’s youth significantly.

We at yellow hills have created these unique slippers from Bhimal tree, which are environmentally friendly and 100% biodegradable.
These slippers are super comfortable and affordable too.
Moreover, our bhimal carpets look super aesthetic and add a new glow to your dull house corners.
By buying our products, you are not only doing a good deed for nature but also supporting the livelihoods of local women of Uttarakhand.
We are bringing together the community of so-called ‘housewives’ to dive into a creative endure.
We want our Women to realize they are more than they give themselves credit for; they are loved and unique.
Join our little venture and help us attain our aim to encourage people to live healthier and better life.

By smriti Nautiyal


Top 7 Tremendous Health Benefits Of Soybeans You Never Know.

Top 7 Tremendous Health Benefits Of Soybeans You Never Know

Soybean is a type of pea which comes from the legume family and is the most widely consumed one too. Soybean is a nutritious food packed with an innumerable amount of nutrients and minerals. It is a godsend for all vegetarians and is often considered meat. But not oy vegetarians, anyone should add soybean to their daily diet. Besides being rich in vitamins and minerals, soybean is proven to be promising for other health benefits too. It was first cultivated in central china around 7000 BC, but it was only during the 18th century that it grew its popularity in the American and European regions worldwide.

We have collected some super beneficial facts about soybeans that you all might not be aware of.

Some health benefits of white soybean are:-

1. It helps in getting a better sleep

If you are someone who struggles to get a peaceful sleep or who wants to sleep for longer hours, then you need to add soybean to your diet. Magnesium, a mineral found in abundance in soybean, helps get better sleep. It has been found that inducing soybean into your daily life routine will help in improving the quality, restfulness, and length of your sleep. It is also reckoned to treat insomnia.

2. An excellent Antidiabetic food

Soybean is also known for treating type 2 diabetes. The increase in blood glucose levels causes type 2 diabetes. Soybeans in flavones help in lowering the blood glucose level and lowering your cholesterol level, which makes it the best food item for all diabetic people.

3. Enhance blood circulation

Red blood cells or often known as RBCs are the cells that are responsible for the formation of blood in our body. RBCs are formed by the two main minerals, iron and copper.
Both these minerals are present in an excess quantity in soybean. Hence, eating soybean day-to-day can increase your blood circulation level too.

4. Helps in dealing with constipation

Soybean contains a high concentration of dietary fiber. Dietary fiber is necessary for overall body function and is especially crucial in the digestive system. Fiber bulks up your stool, allowing it to pass smoothly through your intestines and out of your body.

5. The cheapest source of protein

Protein helps form new tissues and cells in the human body. Protein is present in an adequate quantity of soybean, making it the cheapest protein source. Soybean proteins keep cells healthy and help them grow again if they need to be repaired or replaced. Soybeans are a good substitute for proteins found in red meat, chicken, eggs, dairy products, and fish, and they supply the necessary protein nutrition, particularly for vegetarians.

6. Keeps your weight in control

Soybeans not only help in losing weight but can also be used as a weight gainer. But how could one food item work in both ways?
Here is how:-
Soybeans are high in fiber and protein, contributing to weight gain if ingested in large amounts. Soybeans are rich in healthful fiber, which will make you feel full, and you probably would not want to eat anything for a long time hence resulting in weight loss.

7. A good source of carbs

Soybeans are a good source of healthy carbs, and incorporating them into your diet can help you achieve your daily carbohydrate needs. It also has a low glycemic index,which means it doesn’t induce a fast spike in blood sugar, increasing energy.

We at Yellow Hills are pleased to introduce you to this particular soybean variety, which has all of the benefits of soybeans while retaining their taste and nutritional worth.
Our white soybeans are 100 percent organic, planted and farmed by farmers, and are often grown in the Himalayas. Our white soybeans assist in preventing cancer, improving heart health, relieving menopausal symptoms, improving digestion, and improving bone health.

By Smriti Nautiyal